What is Bio-ethanol?
Bio-ethanol - or simply 'ethanol' is a renewable energy source made by
fermenting the sugar and starch components of plant by-products -
mainly sugarcane and crops like grain, using yeast. It is also made from
corn, potatoes, milk, rice, beetroot and recently grapes, banana and
dates depending on the countries agricultural strength.
Today, bio-ethanol has many uses: It is blended with petrol to make a truly sustainable transport fuel, it's used in cosmetic and other manufacturing processes, and it creates the clean burning, beautiful dancing flame in our fireplaces.
Bio-Ethanol - clean, renewable, and environmentally friendly
Ethanol Fireplaces are fueled by a renewable energy source called Denatured Ethanol.
Ethanol is an absolute alcohol, produced by the fermentation of sugars originating from agricultural and forestry products; mainly sugarcane, potatoes, bananas, beetroot and recently from cereals such as wheat. In accordance with various global regulations Ethanol (100% alcohol) cannot be sold in its purest form to avoid human consumption. Ethanol producers de-nature ethanol with various substances for re-sale purposes and it is then called Denatured Ethanol.
Clean burning and clean emissions
Denatured Ethanol is completely composed of biological products resulting in a neutral ecological balance (greenhouse compliant). The combustion of Ethanol (also called Ethyl Alcohol C2H5OH) results in a clean emission: Heat, Steam and Carbon Dioxide. Denatured Ethanol burns just as clean.
The initiative of using denatured ethanol as an energy source for heating is a unique offering in the market. Our burner’s technique of safely housing and burning a flammable liquid offering an open flame in a controlled environment makes them ideal for just about all contemporary environments, including apartments, houses, restaurants, bars and offices.