Moda Flame has changed the world of home heating and indoor fireplaces with the introduction of Moda Flame line of bio ethanol burning fireplaces into the world market. Creating a design that required no venting, gas lines, plug-ins or outlets, more heat production, less waste and no environmental impact. Moda Flame was immediately desired by home builders, resorts, hotels, personal homes and large scale developments around the world. Providing 4X more heat than electric fireplaces and requiring no set up or additional costs it lit the path for an innovative new way to heat homes with a modern appeal never seen before. Since the initial development, Moda Flame continues to create new designs and custom conceptions to satisfy a large variety of clientele.

Each of Moda Flame fireplaces offer;

  • A state of the art concept and functional heating design
  • Highest grade Dual Layer Burner made of 430 Stainless Steel
  • Indoor or outdoor installations done in 30 minutes or less
  • No permanent or expensive connections (no chimneys, venting or flutes required)
  • Highly efficient heating solution for houses, condo’s, resorts, apartments and yards
  • Several design options to match any room/environment
  • Ideal for apartments, condos, town homes, houses, bars, restaurants and offices
  • Enjoy the cozy comfort of a real flame fireplace anywhere
  • 40% more efficient than wood.
  • No smoke or airborne particles released.
  • No maintenance whatsoever.
  • No installation, chimney, or venting.
Fueled by a renewable modern energy (denatured ethanol), Moda Flame Fireplaces burn clean and are practically maintenance free. Our fireplaces are an efficient and effective heat source which produce REAL flames. All Moda Flame Fireplaces are easily installed and require no electrical or gas connections. Moda Flame fireplaces are constructed using the highest quality materials and are limitless in design. Our fireplaces are a perfect addition to your condo, house, office, restaurant, or virtually any architectural environment.

Moda Flame is a new concept of fireplaces breaking away
from the traditional norm. Fueled by a renewable modern
energy (denatured ethanol), Moda Flame Fireplaces burn
clean and are practically maintenance free. Our fireplaces
are an efficient and effective heat source which
produce REAL flames.

All Moda Flame Fireplaces are easily installed and require
no electrical or gas connections. ModaFlame fireplaces
are constructed using the highest quality materials and
are limitless in design. Our fireplaces are a perfect addition
to your condo, house, office, restaurant, or virtually any
architectural environment.


Fire is a vital part of everyone’s life however, over the years the use of the flame has changed. Wood burning fireplaces in homes were once a must, but like everything else these too have been improved. Moda Flame decided to revolutionize the concept of a fireplace. Rather than built-in wood burning pits with vents and brick, Moda Flame created free standing, table top, wall mounted or sole burners that can heat up your home without a need for venting, gas lines or remodeling. Moda Flame was created to allow you the beauty of a real fire with no smoke, odor, ash or soot to clean up after.
What started as a simple burner designed to be used with our unique bio-ethanol fuel turned into a vast array of modern and custom Moda Flame designs that can be added to any room in the house, or placed in your backyard. Moda Flame engineers and product designers set the highest standards in the industry to set Moda Flame products in a class of its own. Our team has a consistent mandate to refine our burner construction to achieve the highest level of fuel efficiency. Moda Flame has proven this dedication with much of our burners outlasting the competitions burn times by 60%.

Moda Flame understands that all of our customers are looking for something that fits perfectly into their home. Global cooperation with our designers grants us the ability to provide the widest array of models that will fit the needs and requirements of all Moda Flame users around the world. Our design team has taken this to the next level by providing our customers with the option to create a custom Moda Flame masterpiece of their own with options to change size, color and the shape.